Thursday, March 29, 2007


I have many plans. The most recent include: the post office, the library, Goodwill, Big Lots. And those are just errands!
The other plans include aged cheddar with baguette and French butter, wiggling my toes.

The rest of my plans include trying to figure out how to cut my budget down per moth. I think I might have to give up Netflix, but as I've discovered the media section of my public library, and let me tell you, it is fantastic.

Wiggling my toes again.

Other plans include black sheep, diaries, rocks. Etc. The purpose of this announcement will be later revealed in all of its glory.

Also I have a zexy new phone.

1 comment:

alexgirl said...

cheese + baguette = LOVE!!!
The movie section of my library is pretty rockin' too, but I'm so dependent on that Netflix subscription... good luck weening yourself off!
Great blog, btw!