Monday, August 06, 2007

Looking back, with mortification

I think maybe 3 people read this site, which is a step up from 1 (YES), but I've begun posting much more frequently for two reasons: I'm bored out of my skull, and I probably won't have time to blog much once school starts.

Taking into consideration the former, I went back and read some of my archives from two years ago, and it is amazing how different I was back then. The caps! The exclamation points! The focus on ducks!

(It should be made known that I still focus on ducks, but they are not nearly as forefront-y in my life as they were two years ago, due to things like 1) moving and 2) paying bills and 3) moving. These things, with the teensy little addition of possibly growing up a little, have led me to be less duck-centric, though no less duck-fond.)

(Aside: as asides go, that one I just wrote was really more of an a-front-and-center.)

But anyway, if anyone has a blog that they've kept for any amount of time, and I think two years is pretty long (as Jody pointed out), it's an interesting exercise to go back and look. I've tried for years to keep a diary, with little success, but I think that I can really see the changes in my personality by reading over what I wrote when I was 19 versus what I'm writing now at 22.

I think this is coming dangerously close to self-inspection. Which is disturbing, and thus will end now.


Jody said...

Hi Bernie, just wanted to say I enjoy your blog and enjoy when there is new stuff to read, and am always excited to be mentioned.

I have thought about writing a blog, but it's a tough call as to how personal you want to be, unless you don't tell anyone about's sometimes easier to be honest knowing only strangers will read your thoughts instead of those you know. You seem to do a great job.

Anywho, have a great day, see you next week!

Anonymous said...

Great aside!

I think the less amount of duck-centricity is due to the fact that last summer you lived on Mackinac Island last summer with lots of ducks. Working in downtown Milwaukee all those months and then traveling between Milwaukee, NJ, and Kzoo, you just don't see lots of ducks.

Sales Rack Raider said...

Guess I should visit more often =) At least you're writing more. I have more time right now, but I'm not writing much.