Sunday, February 10, 2008

Money can't buy me love

This Valentine's Day, T and I have decided to go by the no-gift policy, partially to bolster our ever-shrinking-student-budgets and mostly because we get more pleasure out of each other's company. Unfortunately, T won't be in town for the big day, but we spent a very relaxing weekend simply hanging out, eating a lot of food, and playing a lot of rummy. We also watched Elizabeth: The Golden Age, and while I still retain respect for Cate Blanchett, I have to say that it didn't really impress me as much as I hoped it would—too many unnecessary prison scenes, and too few naval battle montages. I also acquired 4 previously viewed DVDs from the video store, and I have to say I'm really happy with my purchases—seasonal depression has had enough of an effect that all I want to do is stay burrowed in my blankets (in fact, this is how I do most of my homework nowadays) and having a good movie on in the background helps further my hibernating tendencies. Money might not be able to buy me love, but it does a decent job of getting me a two-hour Sofia Coppola fix.


Anonymous said...

Ah ha! So you do agree with me about the Elizabeth movie.

Sidebar: Sometimes I regret that time we went into the video store and came *this* close to buying about 20 dvds--or was it 8?--then didn't. It seemed like 20.

Muttersome said...

I think it really was 20. We should have gotten them.