Friday, September 07, 2007

I am a loiterer

I am loitering. In case anyone in the entire law school wonders who the 1Ls are, we're the gigantic group clustered in the lounge, being loud and obnoxious and having a lot of fun before skittering off to civil procedure. It is a good time.

Other notes: Tom is a wonderful surpriser and he is here for the weekend! I am so happy and comfortable and content. Also, the doggies will be in good hands at the very least.

So far, law school = a really good time.


Jody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jody said...

Bernie, I am so glad that you are fitting is so well at school and having such a good time. You are awesome and I'm glad your fellow classmates are able to experience that awesome-ness. Oh, and could you do me a favor, and one day attempt to explain to me that post you put up that was some sort of law humor? I am curious.

P.s. the previous delete was due to a typo. grammar change, not content. sorry to disappoint you in thinking you had two comments.