Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I'm sitting in the law school lounge. There's not enough time for me to start studying. There's not enough time for me to go and do something interesting. There's really not enough time for me to do anything but sit here and be bored while looking at other people doing the same thing.

Behold, a random assessment of things I have noticed in the process of being bored:
-My pink shoes almost exactly match my pink backpack.
-It's difficult to rest your head comfortably against a wall (or a headrest, or anything similar) when your hair is in a ponytail.
-TimesSelect is free beginning tomorrow (hellllllls yes).
-Tom hasn't emailed me back yet.
-If you sit in one cpot for a long time, your bottom starts to feel numb.
-1/2 of a sandwich is the perfect sized lunch.
-Snapple Red Tea tastes like nothing mixed with juice.

I really am bored. Where's Baudelaire when you need him to expound on the effects of ennui?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice assessments