Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Being of two minds


[An empty stage, with a table in the center and a chair. Behind, the lake. A strong wind blows through. On the table-a plate, holding a single bratwurst and a pint of Miller Lite. A young woman enters, stage left. She sits on the chair, contemplating the table's contents. Radishes flutter in, then fall to the ground.]

Woman: A few short months, and all that remains are the silky ends of the time where I tried to grab it, catching my nails on its last gleaming threads.

[A tall woman walks across from stage left, throwing a sheaf of papers into the air, where they flutter to the floor. Exit stage right. Shrimp enter, dancing quickly, before dying off forever and disappearing, stage right.]

Woman: Nothing left behind but that scrape on the wall, that stain on the carpet, those tire tracks burned on the pavement of a still new city.

[A single grocery cart is rolled across the back of the stage, entering stage left, exiting stage right. A human sized block of cheese prances through the background. The lights dim further.]

Woman: Where's the mime?

[Mime enters, stage left, missing one shoe. Exit stage right. A man wearing lederhosen follows him, clapping loudly. Exit stage right.]

Woman: And all that remains.

[She picks up the bratwurst, eats it. She drinks the beer and leaves the empty plate and bowl on the table. She rises from the chair.]

Woman: A bow, and nothing more.

[She bows. Exit stage right. The lights fade to black.]

End Scene

*(forgive the lack of italics. HTML is hard.)
**(this is satire.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. I sense some Ibsen influence in this work, also some Aristophanes, perhaps even a smattering of Gilbert and there are some hints of Sophocles as well, no doubt. But no Shakespeare. A tour de force!