Monday, August 29, 2005


In the last three hours, I have made 50 cookies. Now I am sick of the sight of cookies, and also their taste and smell. But at least I have many friends who will be very happy tomorrow with their chocolatey treats.

Tomorrow, I am going to Ann Arbor to run errands and visit people. Hopefully my afternoon will be nice and free so I can hang out with my Tom.

I have discovered an addiction to baking. I love baking stuff. Today, my mom bought me a 17 piece bake set with all this really awesome stuff, like measuring cups and spoons and a sweet spatula. YES.

I'm wearing Jody's sweatshirt. I like it so much, but I shall have to return it to her the next time I see her. Today, Christine left for France. Shanti is already gone. It is so sad!!! I miss them already. But at least tomorrow I get to see some good ol' friends.

1 comment:

Jody said...

shanti is not already gone, she leaves saturday. me, mj and her are hanging out tonight at her house. i will call you.