I fear that I am...cracking up. My brain doesn't seem to function at normal levels anymore. I have to read stuff twice and sometimes three times just to get it, and it's only the second week of school. Oy.
Let's see, new things in my life. I miss Tom a lot whenever I'm not with him, and both of us are busy busy bees so that isn't really helping matters much. The apartment is still in a strange state of transition - we really have to do something about it because there just isn't really a comfortable place to sit. The kitchen situation is working well, though. We've kind of all just assumed familiarity with each others' habits and so far it's going well, except all of us are so busy that we're just in and out and hardly see each other. Arti's in the B-school, which apparently sucks out life force, Ruth has Pizza House and class, Irene has research work and class, and I have Daily and class. We run around all day and come home and collapse at night into our tiny little beds and wake up the next day to the stupid alarms that never seem to shut up.
Other than that, life at school is great. The weather's nice, if a little warm for my taste, my classes are interesting, I've seen lots of people from last year and done some catching up, and I've started cooking for myself. I even have my own set of keys, which is exciting because it makes me feel like I really have a place to call my own - though I do share it with three other girls. But they are three fabulous girls.
My bathroom is all ducks. It's pretty cool.
Not much else to report on the front, except that I seem to have this perpetual headache humming underneath my eyes, just below the surface. The only time it goes away is when I'm with Tom, when I'm cooking something especially yummy, or when I'm hanging out with the girls, which doesn't happen enough since we're all just scurrying around like ants. I wonder how to make it go away.