Friday, May 18, 2007

Things that are good

In no particular order:

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
2. Summer shoes
3. Food that cooks fast

On another note, my parents are moving to China. This is both good and bad news. The good? My parents will have this fantastic adventure, I'll be able to visit the, and I'll get to keep the doggies while they're abroad. The bad? They'll be far away, as will my sister, and also will take with them my one somewhat regular source of good home-cooked food that i don't have to make myself.

We've been house/apartment hunting in South Bend, with varied success, and will continue the endeavor this weekend. I think we've got a couple of places in mind. I'm really excited for my own place! Just think - The Magic Flute playing loudly as I cook dinner, the dogs cavorting around my ankles and somehow not tripping me. A closet, beautifully stocked with my clothes folded and organized as they have never been before, shoes lined up in gleaming rows on the floor. Fresh flowers, a fruit bowl, counter space! Ahhh, the things post-grads dare to dream of when it comes to living the good life.

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