Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Hi Ruth. How you doin'?

Hooray! I am finally done with finals. Boo...I am going home and straight to my internship, which, though I am very much looking forward to it, does start at a rather cramped pace. Such is life.
And now, a list.

Things I will miss about this year:
-my beautiful, wonderful, amazingly funny roommates.
-cooking for myself.
-being 15 minutes away from a Tom.
-having friends all around me
-Tom's HBO

Things I will NOT miss about this year:
-paying rent
-the internet at my apartment shorting out
-cooking for myself (when it involves only ramen noodles and water)
-walking everywhere in the freezing, raining, freezing freeze rain
-class. duh.

Things I have learned this year:
-Arti sleeps on her tummy
-Irene sleeps all the time (actually, I knew that)
-Ruth never sleeps (I knew that too)
-various stuff from my classes...probably retained about 30%. Not bad.
-how to make chicken noodle soup

I forget the rest.

Leaving tomorrow. Must pack. Many ducks. Gas pricey.

Ah...I don't want to go home! I don't want to be old! I don't want to have responsibility!

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