Friday, July 14, 2006

The Big Melt

It's hot. We are experiencing the Big Melt.

Not really. It's just going to storm soon, and so the air is humid, heavy, and feels like a damp hug from a wool sweater. Gross.

The other day, while putting my contacts in, I dropped one and searched for it for probably close to ten minutes before finding it stuck to my foot. And since it was my last pair of contacts, it's probably not a good thing. So I ordered new contacts. Hooray mail! Poo $$$.

I have a scab on my hand now. Scabs are nature's bandaids. I like bandaids. I have some at home that have Garfield on them.

More frivolity later.


Anonymous said...

"Poo $$$"??? Since you don't like $$$, I'll take all of yours off your hands if you want.

Muttersome said...

Silly! I just meant poo SPENDING $$$$.


Anonymous said...

Oh, well if you don't want any spending $$$$ either, than I can take that off your hands too!